viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Global Warming

Global Warming

The global warming is a term used to define the elevation of temperature of world, including the air and water. The global warming is associated with the weather but also the natural’s phenomenon. This is the result of the concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons that produce more stronger natural`s phenomenon, for instance hurricanes, more longer drought and more stronger rains.

The global warming is the effect of greenhouse gases combine with the sun that has effect above the Earth’s temperature. This process consist in: The sun every day warming and cooling the Earth, in our atmosphere exists a lot of types of gases and substances, but some of this substance traps the sun rays and not let them out of the Earth warming a little bit our planet, but have in the atmosphere a big part of that gases, warming more and more of the normal temperature.

These gases are produced by the action of burning fossil fuels like gasoline, the gasoline is made of distillation of petroleum. For example, most of our cars and vehicles used the gasoline like power source to move engine. Another big use of the gasoline or petroleum is for making electric energy for our home. Other bad aspect that produced this dangerous substances is the waste of the cow’s excrement, this waste contains a lot of methane, the methane warms the Earth 2.5 times faster than carbon dioxide, this same gas is produced by the normal trash in decomposition.

Not all is lost, we can take some action to prevent or decrease this effect. The action to decrease the production of greenhouse gases are the save energy in our home for example, turning off the lights that we don’t use, turning off the TV’s, taking shorter shower, unplugging the things that we don’t use furthermore, plans more trees, use less the car or share cars. And moreover, do recycling; separate the plastic, the paper, the glass and the cans.

For conclusion, we have to be conscience to save this planet for the children of our children. We have to be greener in everything we do and in everything we buy for instance, a car or a house. Take care this planet because is the only one we have.

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