martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Domestic, nationalist, religious, state and domestic terrorism

Domestic, nationalist, religious, state and domestic terrorism

Domestic terrorism is the act of violence at home. The nationalist terrorism is the acts of terrorism that kills people in mass attacks with bombs or other types or artifacts for different reasons. The religious terrorism is the acts of terrorism for religious reasons. This situation or types of violence are occurs in our world inside of countries, every minute.

The domestic terrorism, is the violence what is produced in our homes, there are many types of the domestic violence like yell, offend, hit, physical and moral punishment, and also the worst of case the murder. Examples of these we usually see it in the news or in the newspapers every day, we see a women or a man that kill his couple by the jealous. In our country it is a problem that is bigger and bigger every day.

Otherwise, we have the nationalist terrorism, this kind of acts we can see in Israel or in countries of the Middle East, where the people fight because they feel oppressed, treated unfair, persecuted or for making an independent state just for them, like it is the Arabs in Israel. They act in form of violence, killing people in terrorist acts, for example, they put a car bomb in front of park with a lot people and explode everything.

This violence is very unfair and ruthless. Some of the victims of this acts are innocent children, women and mans, and they die just for walking in a park. This created fear in the population, fear of going outside. They live with fear every day, thinking they can die in any moment.

In my opinion, these acts are very unfair. A lot of innocent people die just for being in the wrong moment in the wrong time. Groups like the HAMAS have to think before doing this, they have to think in others too, not just in then and their proposes.

Causes and effects of globalization

Causes and effects of globalization

The globalization is the process in which country changes and grows, unifying the markets and development the technology, like mentioned the website This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages, for example, an advantage is the innovation of the technology and a disadvantage is the lost of the customs.

The globalization is caused, like we mentioned before, by the growth of the country, when a nation grows, that implies or bring a change, and that change changes a lot of things and facts, like is the field of the social, technology, economic and other things what the people does for example the cultural field.

This phenomenon has the effect in the countries making bigger the country, and that change what the people do like Is the customs, the way they dress, what they buy, the economic field and the culture for example adopting words from other language and using in they own language like is the case of our country, we adopt words from English and French, words like shorts, strapless, boxer, sandwich and many others.

The globalization also bring troubles, when we are globalized, our country is more famous and that brings the tourism and the tourism bring problems for example the destruction of green zones for build more hotels and recreations places for the foreign people. Another problem is the contamination, prostitution, alcohol and drugs.

The globalization is good in many ways, but is bad in many others. Something that we can do is stimulate the little ones for made they more nationalists, with our customs rooted and with good values. We should open to the world for grow and be better, but just in a good way with just the right things and leaving the bad things.

Current ethnic conflict

Current ethnic conflict

An ethnic conflict is the fights by two or more groups or nations. The conflicts have a lot of consequences; the most common are the racism, poverty, destruction and more. A long in the history of human there have been a lot of conflict like when the Jesus born, the actually conflicts like the Israel and the Tutsis – Hutus.

The ethnics conflict or war is result of the ethnic racism or ethnic nationalism, this are some of the arguments for fight between nations, for example, the war of the Tutsis-Hutus. Also, some conflicts are produced by a portion or the custom of land, like the case of Israel and its neighbors, which are in fight for the custom of the Gaza Strip (Franja De Gaza) and Cisjordania.

Consequences of this are many: is suffer, anger, poverty, human degradation, like we can see in the Second World War in the century twenty (XX), which the Germans tortured, killed and degraded the Jews, the Germans took to the Jews they house, money, food, jobs, everything and change them to a aisled zone with a big wall to separate them of the rest of the people like animals. Another type of these conflicts is the fight by religion issues, these fights are since the Jesus Era, the Romans punished the persons what say they are Jesus, and they killed all the children born in a certain time. These conflicts basically are by the fanaticism of the people that end always in conflicts fighting on the name of God.

For conclusion, all we have to respect the opinion and the believes of the other, no matter the color of the skin or the nationality. We have to be conscious about all the action that a war brings, we suffer, our children suffer, and everybody suffers.

Globalization of infectious diseases

Globalization of infectious diseases

The globalization of infectious diseases is the expansion of the diseases around all the word. Making the ills stronger and with variations. Likewise the diseases are making more resistant against the antibiotics.

The globalization of the diseases is common in our days, the diseases are spread around the entire world by own us. The process of the globalization of our methods of travel, and the travel of our food are killing us. With the methods what we transport our food is an important issue were the ills can be spread around the world.

These methods before mentioned are the most commons ways to globalization of the diseases. This is bad because the diseases are making stronger every day suffering mutations. An actually example of this is the case of the H1N1, where the first case was discovered in China and in days was see it in United States and in countries of Europe, even in Costa Rica.

The globalizations of the infectious diseases also, make the illness more resistant against the antibiotics. This phenomenon is produced by the abuse of these drugs. For instance, the varieties in the flu disease.

In my opinion, the globalization in a way is good in themes like transport and technology. In the other hand is bad in aspects like diseases and culture. We have to take some measures against this, like the security and hygiene.

Impact Of Migration On Receiving Countries

Impact Of Migration On Receiving Countries

The phenomenon migration is old as the humanity; the migration is the action of a human to translate himself to a different place like mentioned; for example, another country, city, town or the phenomenon rural-urban. The migration affects the nation that receives the immigrants as the nation what the immigrants leave. The reasons or the causes why the people do this, are diversity like the poverty, work, political, conflicts or racial hate.

The reasons or reason why, the persons change his country or city are different. The most common reason is to change the social situation that they live; for example, the mayor part of immigrants in United States are people what proceeds of Central America where the job are low, they travel to United States or others countries, in different ways like “mojados” that is the illegal form that cross the border with Mexico. They came to this countries with the hope to find better jobs opportunities to himself and for they loved ones, also to give good education for his kids.

Migration affects the country that receives these people, because these people are not taking part of the planned growth of the country affecting the government places, for instance, hospitals and schools. Also affects housing or apartments for live, because is more people and more people needs more places to live, otherwise affects the naturals resources, for the reason that is more persons is more electricity, water, food and space.

The phenomenon of immigrate affects the people that live in that country with things like the national identity; the new people that arrived to a new country bring his culture and customs (manners), like is the case in United States with Asiatic people, these persons came from the origin country bringing they manners, for example, New Year Chinese celebrated in February 3rd this year. Besides the Chinese persons builded a Chinese neighborhood too, this is a proof that the migration do and how the national identity of the country start to lose.

In brief, the nations like United States have to take actions against this because in 50 years is estimate that United States will be crowded with a lot of people of other nations. Actually, they start to build a wall in the border with Mexico to stop this phenomenon. The countries where the immigrants from maybe have to take some measures, they can be try or take to this is offer better job opportunities, better education, try to decrease the poverty, fight against the social issues like the delinquency, drug addicts and alcoholism; also make better quality life to the habitants.

Causes Of Poverty And Ways To Alleviate It

Causes Of Poverty And Ways To Alleviate It

Poverty is a critical situation where an individual its hard obtains money, food or job, and cover the basic needs of every individual. The causes of the poverty are various which one is connected one with another. Some actions taken against this problem are micro credits and the education.

The poverty is a social disease that has existed for a long time, although in the age of the colony where the poor people and the black people was the slaves , nowadays, the lower class is the poor one, this class are conformed by people who live far of the city in rural zones and persons without studies. This social situation is caused by the low opportunity of work and bad governments.

The poverty causes a lot of social issues, the poverty created troubles like alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution and delinquency. For example, in our country at the south, in the most conflict neighborhoods, we can see in the news, problems about alcoholism which is the principal protagonist of the domestic violence, the drug addiction and the prostitution is common in this neighborhood called ghettos where criminal people live. Also, on this places is common to see scenes of poverty, where sometimes for these persons is difficult to obtain food, in which the politicians came to promise the heaven for a vote; where these politicians offers hope for the people in despair and in least, they didn’t do anything. A principal cause of the crime in Costa Rica is by the poverty.

One way to solve this problem is the microcredit, which consisted in borrow little amounts of money to persons in poverty, to create a family business what provides food, job and better education. For instance, Africa which is one of the poorest country in the world, were the government provides this type of help to the habitants to fight against this problem. Other mechanism to combat the poverty is the education what provides more opportunities of job, more financial resources and better culture.

To conclude, in our country and in all countries of the world, we have to fight against this problem; the governments and non-governmental association have to implement this kind of help. For the people who have less and for give them a better way to live and for eliminated the crime and make a better a world.

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Weapons of mass are weapons created by the governments of big nations like United States, Russia, Iraq, Europe, China and in the past Japan for defended himself to eventually war (Wikipedia, 2010), abbreviated with acronym WMD. These weapons were created to kill great number of people, including civil persons too, and these weapons create a big devastation in the zone where is bombarded. These artifacts are made with some elements like the uranium and plutonium that are very unstable and powerful.

These weapons are made with a lot different types of materials. The unique nuclear bombs used in all history of the humanity are the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, released in 1945 in the Second World War by United States against to Japan, called Big Boy and Fat Man. The WMD’s are varied, are 4 categories: Biological: are diseases, like Viruela. Chemical: are substances like toxins. Nuclear: are bombs (Nagasaki and Hiroshima). And other group, Non person mines and Raceme bombs that are one bomb that divide in others and create a great devastation in all area.

The proliferation of these weapons is dangerous to the life of all the humanity. Like I mentioned before, these kinds of weapons kill with no mercy thousands of people. Otherwise, these not only destroy people, even homes and schools, but also destroy the plants, animals and all the nature in the impact area. Consequently, leaves a contaminated zone with highest levels of radiation and burned all, the life can`t subsist here per years.

Acquire or developmentally these weapons are very expensive, how acquire represent a violation of the codes established in the conference after the Second World War. One reason to acquire this arms is to defend himself in an eventually war. Another reason is to acquire power and to obtain respect or fear of the others countries. As a result, this career to obtain respect is converting an armed peace.

In summary, all the facts before mentioned and all the things occurred in the past are a sufficient argument to stop the production of this kind of weapons because, the only victim and the unique injured are ourselves and our planet. In an eventually war, the humans and the flora and fauna cannot resist hundreds of these bombs. The governments of all countries have to be aware of the danger of those artifacts. Stop the race to obtain those arms, because is too dangerous and we have the proof to try to stop that situation.