martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Causes Of Poverty And Ways To Alleviate It

Causes Of Poverty And Ways To Alleviate It

Poverty is a critical situation where an individual its hard obtains money, food or job, and cover the basic needs of every individual. The causes of the poverty are various which one is connected one with another. Some actions taken against this problem are micro credits and the education.

The poverty is a social disease that has existed for a long time, although in the age of the colony where the poor people and the black people was the slaves , nowadays, the lower class is the poor one, this class are conformed by people who live far of the city in rural zones and persons without studies. This social situation is caused by the low opportunity of work and bad governments.

The poverty causes a lot of social issues, the poverty created troubles like alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution and delinquency. For example, in our country at the south, in the most conflict neighborhoods, we can see in the news, problems about alcoholism which is the principal protagonist of the domestic violence, the drug addiction and the prostitution is common in this neighborhood called ghettos where criminal people live. Also, on this places is common to see scenes of poverty, where sometimes for these persons is difficult to obtain food, in which the politicians came to promise the heaven for a vote; where these politicians offers hope for the people in despair and in least, they didn’t do anything. A principal cause of the crime in Costa Rica is by the poverty.

One way to solve this problem is the microcredit, which consisted in borrow little amounts of money to persons in poverty, to create a family business what provides food, job and better education. For instance, Africa which is one of the poorest country in the world, were the government provides this type of help to the habitants to fight against this problem. Other mechanism to combat the poverty is the education what provides more opportunities of job, more financial resources and better culture.

To conclude, in our country and in all countries of the world, we have to fight against this problem; the governments and non-governmental association have to implement this kind of help. For the people who have less and for give them a better way to live and for eliminated the crime and make a better a world.

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