martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Globalization of infectious diseases

Globalization of infectious diseases

The globalization of infectious diseases is the expansion of the diseases around all the word. Making the ills stronger and with variations. Likewise the diseases are making more resistant against the antibiotics.

The globalization of the diseases is common in our days, the diseases are spread around the entire world by own us. The process of the globalization of our methods of travel, and the travel of our food are killing us. With the methods what we transport our food is an important issue were the ills can be spread around the world.

These methods before mentioned are the most commons ways to globalization of the diseases. This is bad because the diseases are making stronger every day suffering mutations. An actually example of this is the case of the H1N1, where the first case was discovered in China and in days was see it in United States and in countries of Europe, even in Costa Rica.

The globalizations of the infectious diseases also, make the illness more resistant against the antibiotics. This phenomenon is produced by the abuse of these drugs. For instance, the varieties in the flu disease.

In my opinion, the globalization in a way is good in themes like transport and technology. In the other hand is bad in aspects like diseases and culture. We have to take some measures against this, like the security and hygiene.

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