martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Causes and effects of globalization

Causes and effects of globalization

The globalization is the process in which country changes and grows, unifying the markets and development the technology, like mentioned the website This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages, for example, an advantage is the innovation of the technology and a disadvantage is the lost of the customs.

The globalization is caused, like we mentioned before, by the growth of the country, when a nation grows, that implies or bring a change, and that change changes a lot of things and facts, like is the field of the social, technology, economic and other things what the people does for example the cultural field.

This phenomenon has the effect in the countries making bigger the country, and that change what the people do like Is the customs, the way they dress, what they buy, the economic field and the culture for example adopting words from other language and using in they own language like is the case of our country, we adopt words from English and French, words like shorts, strapless, boxer, sandwich and many others.

The globalization also bring troubles, when we are globalized, our country is more famous and that brings the tourism and the tourism bring problems for example the destruction of green zones for build more hotels and recreations places for the foreign people. Another problem is the contamination, prostitution, alcohol and drugs.

The globalization is good in many ways, but is bad in many others. Something that we can do is stimulate the little ones for made they more nationalists, with our customs rooted and with good values. We should open to the world for grow and be better, but just in a good way with just the right things and leaving the bad things.

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