martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Impact Of Migration On Receiving Countries

Impact Of Migration On Receiving Countries

The phenomenon migration is old as the humanity; the migration is the action of a human to translate himself to a different place like mentioned; for example, another country, city, town or the phenomenon rural-urban. The migration affects the nation that receives the immigrants as the nation what the immigrants leave. The reasons or the causes why the people do this, are diversity like the poverty, work, political, conflicts or racial hate.

The reasons or reason why, the persons change his country or city are different. The most common reason is to change the social situation that they live; for example, the mayor part of immigrants in United States are people what proceeds of Central America where the job are low, they travel to United States or others countries, in different ways like “mojados” that is the illegal form that cross the border with Mexico. They came to this countries with the hope to find better jobs opportunities to himself and for they loved ones, also to give good education for his kids.

Migration affects the country that receives these people, because these people are not taking part of the planned growth of the country affecting the government places, for instance, hospitals and schools. Also affects housing or apartments for live, because is more people and more people needs more places to live, otherwise affects the naturals resources, for the reason that is more persons is more electricity, water, food and space.

The phenomenon of immigrate affects the people that live in that country with things like the national identity; the new people that arrived to a new country bring his culture and customs (manners), like is the case in United States with Asiatic people, these persons came from the origin country bringing they manners, for example, New Year Chinese celebrated in February 3rd this year. Besides the Chinese persons builded a Chinese neighborhood too, this is a proof that the migration do and how the national identity of the country start to lose.

In brief, the nations like United States have to take actions against this because in 50 years is estimate that United States will be crowded with a lot of people of other nations. Actually, they start to build a wall in the border with Mexico to stop this phenomenon. The countries where the immigrants from maybe have to take some measures, they can be try or take to this is offer better job opportunities, better education, try to decrease the poverty, fight against the social issues like the delinquency, drug addicts and alcoholism; also make better quality life to the habitants.

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